Tip #5 for dealing with picky eaters: Involve your Kids in Planning, Shopping, and Preparing Meals

Planning meals Ask your kids what they would like to eat next week. Better yet, ask them more detailed questions about which ingredients they would like in the next week's meals. You and your kids can look up recipes together in cookbooks, or on the Internet, or choose some of your family's favourite recipes and decide together on which meals to make. Encourage your child to [...]

2015-05-19T19:08:03-06:00By |Categories: Love and parenting, Nutrition|Tags: |2 Comments

Tip #2 for dealing with picky eaters: Involve Your Kids in the Kitchen

Allowing children to spend time with us in the kitchen is a great way for them to see, touch, taste, and smell different ingredients before they are made into prepared meals. Kids become familiar with what is going on in the kitchen and they might be more willing to try new foods. I am not saying that they will like [...]

2016-10-19T08:29:44-06:00By |Categories: Love and parenting, Nutrition|Tags: |1 Comment

Tip #1 for dealing with picky eaters: Set a Good Example

This post opens up a series dedicated to helping parents with picky eaters. We all struggle with various degrees of “pickiness” in our children. We all want our children to eat nutritious foods that taste good. We all want our children to grow up adventurous and willing to try new foods. Bottom line, we want our children to appreciate and enjoy [...]

2016-10-19T08:29:44-06:00By |Categories: Nutrition, Tip of the month|Tags: |2 Comments

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